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Congratulations for launching this web site. It is useful and informative for those who decided to work and gain experience after graduation.
Pack it with more global inputs and different one year MBA programmes in India with cost factor and whether bank loans are available for such course, and at what cost.
Best wishes
Hi Admins,
It is a wonderful platform for the 1 year MBA candidates, I am joining SPJIMR 1 year MBA this year.
Is there a way we can make this site more interactive and participatory , such that all of us can contribute.
Warm Regards,
Indradip Banerjee
Hi Indradip,
Congrats on joining PGPM at SP Jain. Great going!
And thanks for the thumbs up! We are glad to hear that you find the website helpful.
Can you contribute to Oneyearmba.co.in? Absolutely!
In fact, providing One year MBA alumni and aspirants a platform to share their perspectives with other students is one of the key aims of this website.
Some ways in which you can contribute-
1. Help aspirants on the FORUM negotiate their way through GMAT and applications for the PGPM at SP Jain and other B-schools
2. Share key updates from the journey of the One year MBA class on campus – many aspirants would benefit from this
3. You can write about your personal experiences at SP Jain on this platform. As long as the experience isn’t published on a personal blog, we are happy to share stories from candidates, alumni & aspirants with other aspirants and alumni of the One year MBA across the world.
Write to us at [email protected]
Enjoy the journey at SP Jain,
Fantastic clean website with a singular focus. Kudos for that.
I have to say I found this website a little late. I am a prospective MBA student and have been researching schools, rankings and 1 yr MBA programmes since last 2 months. Almost all the information I have gathered is right here on this website. Knowing this site would have really helped.
I am not sure if you are looking for contributors from the prospective students; but please let me know if I can help with the content in any way.
Plz let me the fee for One year online MBA