Dealing with targets and biases too


A recent article in the Times of India stood out for going beyond just celebrating women in the workplace and delving into the human side of their story – their struggles, motivations and the social biases they face in their careers. The article explores this subject by tracing the journey of Terri Bresenham, president & CEO of GE Healthcare India and is peppered with her experiences on the way to the top. 

MBATerri relocated to India two years ago to take on her current role. Prior to this, she was vice-president of molecular imaging for GE Healthcare globally, where she led the company’s exploration into detecting disease earlier. Bresenham joined GE, soon after her university, as an Edison Engineer. GE’s Edison Engineering Development Programme is an intensive programme for college graduates who have a passion for technology, and a drive for technical excellence. She then progressed through engineering and product management roles, and went on to lead sales & marketing of GE’s women health business for the introduction of digital mammography, and GE’s Lunar Inc for solutions in osteoporosis and metabolic health.

Right in the beginning of the article, Bresenham says candidly, “If you look at where I have been lucky, it is in my underlying drive to keep going when things become difficult, because I wanted to be a part of making something happen, of being involved in the healthcare world.”

Bresenhem shares how a need to work and be productive is not just a male desire as is often portrayed in society. The article is replete with interesting glimpses into the work life of women, which unlike the work life of men, is usually not the subject of a drawing room or dinner table conversation.

For instance recounting her experience of becoming a mother she says-

That time, the insurance coverage was for 24 hours in hospital, not from the time you were admitted and up to the birth of the baby. Unfortunately, my first child had a long labour, so I didn’t stay in hospital very long after I gave birth. I had a healthy baby. You never know how you feel about having a child, but I remember distinctly that after the third day I was feeling bored and wanted to go back to work. I did go back to work fairly soon after that,” she says.

Corporate career

Delving further into this aspect she recounts an interesting exchange between a male colleague and her-

A male colleague, whose wife was pregnant at the same time that she was, asked Bresenham, “So you’re looking forward to staying home?” She replied she was coming back. He said his wife was looking forward to staying home. “I said it’s good for her. I asked him whether he was going to stay home. He said of course not. I said that’s how I feel.” Social biases like these, she says, raises challenges for women.

Bresenhem goes on to talk of the challenge of managing the professional front and duties at home-

“the fastest career progression in the US happens typically between ages 30 and 40. But that’s also the time when couples start families. I think this is why women have to stay in the workforce during that period even though it’s challenging. So much of learning happens in that time frame, you get so many mid-tier roles and responsibilities. If you can survive that, you get enhanced opportunities, can go to whichever level you desire.”

Bresenham shares the importance of family support in enabling women to take up She credits her husband for supporting her in her journey. Observing challenges for women professionals in India where she is currently stationed, Bresenham says women in India perhaps face more challenges than women elsewhere.

“The social structures are harder for women in India. There are expectations outside work. In Europe and US, there are support structures like day care centres in companies. There are a lot of areas where kids get support from more than just their parents. There is general acceptance of women not being primary caregiver at all times.”

Link to the full article in Times of India


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