Imagine a scenario in which you as a GMAT test taker had cancelled your test scores for another shot at improving your performance. However, if the repeat test does not yield the expected scores and in fact resulted in a plunge, what is to be done?
Not to worry. According to the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) that conducts the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), you have a long window of 4 years and 11 months from the day you took the test to restore your scores. The facility is available for a fee of $100.
However, please note that only exams taken on or after January 1, 2014, are eligible to be reinstated.
Earlier the decision to cancel the scores had to be made immediately after taking the exam. However, from March 10, 2016 the rules were modified to provide the candidates with a full 72 hours after the test to decide whether to cancel the score.
Yet another change in the rule benefitted the candidates as even if the score is cancelled, it will not appear on the official GMAT score report – not even as a “C” for “Cancel.”
You have three options in cancelling or restoring the scores. Within 2 minutes you could have a preview of your GMAT score and decide to keep or cancel it.
Even if you were unable to decide on cancelling the scores, you get a window of up to 72 Hours after the test to cancel your score online for a small fee.
The 30-day interval for reappearing in a GMAT test has also been reduced to 16 days under the revised rules. While the candidate could decide when to take the examination again, the number of attempts is limited to five in a year.
The GMAC also announced addition of new features to the Enhanced Score Report (ESR). The report, available for a payment of $24.95 pinpoints areas of strength and weakness of the candidate to help improve scores at retests.
The ESR updates include three new charts on the Verbal and Quantitative sections that detail test taker performance:
The first chart is designed to help the test taker understand the proportion of questions answered correctly and incorrectly. The Percent Correct chart, along with the Average Difficulty chart, shows whether a test taker’s performance was impacted by the difficulty of the questions presented.
In addition, the Percent Correct chart combined with the Time Management chart shows whether a test taker’s performance was affected by how well they managed their time during the test administration.
The second new chart provides the test taker with the average level of difficulty for questions answered. This information illustrates how well the test taker performed on more difficult questions, and whether or not they earned the opportunity to see highly difficult questions at any point during the exam.
The third new chart displays the average length of time the test taker took to answer questions. Understanding how much time was spent on questions aids test takers in determining whether they adhered to their time management plan.
In addition, the time format in the Time Management section has been changed to display minutes and seconds for easier readability.
The new ESR Guide section has detailed information about how to read each tab and the new FAQ tab is ever changing with the questions received by customer service and through frequent surveys.
The product is available in both English and Simplified Chinese, with plans for Korean and Japanese languages to be added in 2017. The new features of the ESR are available at no additional cost to anyone who purchased the ESR since its launch in January 2015.