One Year MBA Class of 2019 at Goizueta Bag Average Base Salary of $130,363


The full-time One Year MBA Class of 2019 at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School managed to get an average base salary of $130,363 and a median salary of $127,500, according to the School’s Employment Report.

While 86% of the students received job offers within three months of graduation, 83% accepted the offers within the same period.

One Year MBA Class of 2019 at Goizueta Consulting Tops Employment by Function

Consulting claimed 43% of the class with a median base salary of $138,000. While Management Consulting took in 17% with a median base salary of $150,000 followed by Finance Consulting had roles for 10% at $122,700, IT Consulting 7% (salary details unavailable) and Other Consulting (includes Human Capital, Internal Strategy and Technology) 10% at $138,000.

Marketing took in 23% with a median base salary of $127,500. It included Brand Management, Corporate Marketing and Business Development at 7% each and Product Management      3%.

Finance was chosen by 14% with the median base salary at $127,500. It included Corporate Finance 7%, Investment Banking 3% and Private Equity/Venture Capital 3%.

General Management attracted 10% of the cohort with a median base salary at $100,000. Real Estate accounted for 3% and Other functions (includes Human Resources and Information Technology (7%). The numbers may not add to 100% due to rounding.

The school said the Compensation information was self-reported. About 80% of the students reported accepting offers also reported salary data. Salary data was not reported for functions with fewer than three points of data.

Student-Initiated Tops Accepted Offers

As far as the source of accepted offers is concerned, student-initiated ones topped the list at 30. School-scheduled interviews come next at 20. Job postings account for 20. The previous employer took in 17. Other Goizueta sources that included career fairs, faculty / alumni / staff referrals, resume books, and off-campus activities supported by the career center accounted for 13.

The Major Recruiters

The major recruiters included Accenture, Amazon, Boston Consulting Group, Cognizant, Deloitte, EY, Gartner, Georgia-Pacific, Google, Grant Thornton, The Hershey Company, KPMG and PwC to name a few.

Class Profile

The 51-member class had a women representation of 29%. The GMAT 80% range was 570-710. Minorities constituted 14% and international students 24%. The cohort had 6 years of average work experience.

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