With B-schools all over the globe shutting campuses in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak and asking students to stay at home to work online, some of you may be left wondering how to make the transition to a virtual classroom and at the same time keep up with the requirements of a full-time MBA program.
EU Business School provides a four-point list, basically aimed at online MBA students but useful for others too in the given circumstances. The list focuses on adapting traditional student habits to overcome the challenges in online learning.
Virtual study places the entire responsibility on you for drawing up the schedule for study and strictly adhering to it. Essentially, it means that you attend the classes, complete the coursework and prepare for the exams without procrastination.
Drawing up the schedule involves making a list of the tasks and divide them into different categories, according to urgency or priority. Once the timetable is drafted, stick to it as you would with any other schedule. Keep in mind that attendance is compulsory.
Working from a remote location would place hurdles on networking, an essential part of the MBA, in the short term. However, with Skype and other such facilities, you could arrange for meetings with classmates or faculty regularly. Facebook, Twitter, chat groups and other social media could be used to great advantage. You could help each other with the coursework and create a virtual campus atmosphere.
You may need to set up your study space at a cost corner at home, away from distractions. Ideally, it should be well-lit, airy space where you could put a desk for your laptop, books and other study materials. Get a comfortable chair.
As far as possible, avoid setting up study space at the dining table or bed. It is easy to end up being too relaxed and fall behind on the work schedule.
Ensure that you would be able to focus on your studies by keeping the room free from distractions like a blaring TV or music system and assorted family members or friends walking in and out.
Keep the phone away and resist the temptation to take a peek at your social media updates during study hours. Finish the house tasks like cooking or washing dishes before sitting down for studies.
Treat the study time as you would have during class hours on the campus. Let everyone know that you are not available to run errands, chats or go out for a coffee.
Treat your schedule as you would coursework on campus, and don’t let yourself get distracted. Study time is study time: just imagine yourself in a classroom somewhere.